It all started with a bedtime story… Ranger Jim was inspired by a character my grandfather told me about in bedtime stories when I was a boy. He always tried to do the right thing, defend the great forest and leave me with something to think about.
With four boys of my own, Ranger Jim stories became a regular part of bedtime for many years. Many of the tales incorporate places we’ve been as a family and add animal friends with their own personalities to the mix. These books are my sons’ favorite Ranger Jim stories.
None of Ranger Jim’s friends have been more important to me than Oliver the Owl. He’s a creature of the sky with a skill I admire greatly. Flying has always been an immense passion of mine that began when I was young and my uncles took me up. Sitting in the front seat of an airplane on those rare occasions was an absolutely euphoric experience. As an adult, I added more experiences when I became an aviator in the U.S. Navy and continued on after my military service as a civilian pilot. To this day, whenever I hear a plane I look up at the sky and think about how much I enjoy that arena. You’ll see some vertical perspectives in the books that remind me of views from the air and I hope you’ll also gain a sense of how the world looks through Oliver’s eyes. He truly is my spirit animal.
Because one of my proudest accomplishments occurred when I was awarded my wings as a naval aviator, we hid a small copy of my wings among the pages of each book. See if you can find them. We have a “reveal” page here on the website if you just can’t find them!
I wrote these books to leave a legacy to some of my favorite memories of time with my sons - and because I don’t want to forget the stories by the time I have grandchildren to put to bed! I hope you enjoy them.
Chip Ridley
August, 2021
Sketches and Layout
Then the time came to discuss and create an actual book out of the bedtime stories that is when Rich Sigberman became a part of the project, below are some initial sketches of the Ranger Jim and the Stubborn Owl book.